タイ料理ギュッとしタイ|レンジで簡単!パッポンカレー☆もっと身近にタイ料理!☆ オイスターソースの歴史にも迫る!! #タイ料理 #パッポンカレー #レンジ
レシピだけじゃなく、「Today’s Word」などいろんな豆知識をゲットできるのもこのチャンネルの魅力です! ただ見るだけ、食べるだけじゃなく、知ってから見たり食べたりするとさらに世界が広がります!!
* Please see the outline in English followed by Japanese text. You can choose English subtitles in the VDO.
今回のSALADee COOKingは、「もっと身近にタイ料理!」シリーズ、パッポンカレー第2弾、レンジで簡単に作れるレシピを2本ご紹介します。
あわせて「Today’s Word」は、オイスターソースについて解説します。何気なく使っている調味料について、知っておくと使うのが楽しくなりますよ!
00:00 オープニング
01:10 オイスターソース前置き
01:48 「Today’s Word」オイスターソース
04:50 カニカマでパッポンカレー
08:39 サラダチキンでパッポンカレー
12:16 増量バージョン&エンディング
カニカマ(半分にカット) 4本
タマネギ(スライス) 1/4~1/2個
細ネギ(3~4㎝にカット) 4本
ニンニク(みじん切り) 1~2片
赤パプリカ(またはトウガラシ) 30g程度
カレー粉 大さじ1弱
オイスターソース 大さじ1
しょう油(ナンプラー) 小さじ1
豆乳または牛乳 大さじ4
卵 1個
ラー油(チリペースト) 大さじ1(お好みで)
ココナッツオイル(油なんでも) 大さじ1
サラダチキン(潰してほぐす) 1つ
タマネギ(スライス) 1/4~1/2個
細ネギ(3~4㎝にカット) 2本
ニンニク(みじん切り) 1~2片
カレー粉 大さじ1/2
オイスターソース 大さじ1
しょう油(ナンプラー) 小さじ1
豆乳または牛乳 50ml
卵 1個
ラー油(チリペースト) 大さじ1(お好みで)
ココナッツオイル(油なんでも) 大さじ1
1996年12月 日系銀行のカスタマーサービス係として駐在
1998年12月 退職後自分探しの旅 健幸料理研究家として食の道にすすむ
2012年 健幸料理の店「SALADee」をオープン
2021年 SALADee閉店 ユーチューバーをめざす
This is the channel produced by AO, a vegetable sommelier and healthy food researcher living in Bangkok.
With the theme of “telling the charm of Thai food", this channel introduces Thai food, especially simple recipes using Thai local ingredients, and food that you have encountered at the market or while travelling.
And it’s not just the recipes, you also get all sorts of trivia like the Today’s Word, which is another attraction of this channel! You don’t just watch and eat, you can learn about it beforehand, and that opens up your world even more!
[Let’s get more familiar with Thai Food!]
This edition of SALADee COOKing is part 2 of the " Let’s get more familiar with Thai Food!’ series, the second installment of Phat phong Curry, and two recipes that can be easily made in the microwave.
Today’s Word" will also feature an explanation of oyster sauce. It’s a seasoning of daily use, but it’s more fun to use if you know more abouti it!
I did not mention in this volume, oyster sauce is lower in calories than TONKATSU(pork cutlet) sauce and less salty than soy sauce.
Japanese subtitles are displayed in the video. Sometimes I speak too fast or you may come across some special terms. If so the Japanese subtitles help you to watch. English subtitles are also available. Please use it for your convenience.
00:00 Opening
01:10 Oyster sauce preface
01:48 'Today’s Word’ Oyster sauce
04:50 Phat Phong Curry with crab cakes
08:39 Phat Phong Curry with salad chicken
12:16 Increased version & ending
= = =.
[Ingredients for Crab Cake Phat Phong Curry]
4 crab cakes (cut in half)
Onion (sliced) 1/4 – 1/2
4 thin spring onions (cut into 3-4 cm pieces)
1 – 2 cloves garlic, minced
About 30 g red bell pepper (or capsicum) (sliced or shredded)
Less than 1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp soy sauce (or fish sauce)
4 tbsp soy milk or milk
1 egg
1 tbsp Ra-yu(chilli paste) (optional)
1 tbsp coconut oil (or any oil)
[Ingredients for Chicken Phat Phong Curry]
1 salad chicken (mashed and loosened)
1/4 – 1/2 onion (sliced)
2 thin spring onions (cut into 3-4 cm pieces)
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp soy sauce (or fish sauce)
50 ml soy milk or milk
1 egg
1 tbsp Ra-yu (chilli paste) (optional)
1 tbsp coconut oil (or any oil)
[How to make]
(1) Stir together the white parts of the onion and green onion, garlic, curry powder and oil in a heatproof container.
(2) Microwave for 1 minute, remove and add soy milk (milk), oyster sauce, soy sauce, crab sticks or chicken, paprika (if using) and stir well.
(3) Lightly stir in half of the eggs and microwave for 1 minute.
(4) Remove from microwave, mix in the remaining egg and microwave again for 40 seconds.
(5) Once removed from the microwave, mix in the Ra-yu and serve.
☆ Ao’s☆ Profile
Healthy Food Researcher, Vegetable Sommelier Pro, Athlete Food Meister Level 2
Secretary of “Fuki no Kai", Akita Kenjinkai, Thailand
Born in Akita Prefecture in 1967
December 1996 assigned as a customer service of a Japanese bank in Bangkok,Thailand
December 1998 After retirement of the bank. serching for own future career. Find a way to become a healthy cooking researcher
2012 Opened a healthy restaurant “SALADee"
2021 SALADee closed. Aiming to be a YouTuber